The final instalment of our “Mind, Body and Fuel” series is “Fuel”.

We chat to Leighton’s partner, Rachel, about the best food to fuel and recover from a surf
Rachel is a Dietitian in the NHS and achieved a First at Cardiff University in Dietetics.
She is also a keen surfer but doesn’t get to surf as much as she would like.
We all know that feeling!
We began our chat talking about some of the strange diets Rachel has come across. Crazy
diets such as the Cabbage Water Diet and eating for your blood type.
Rachel debunks some of these diets and explains the pros and cons of some of the more mainstream diets such as
the Carnivore Diet, Plant Based Eating and the Keto Diet.
Rachel goes on to answer our listeners’ questions.
The most popular question we received was “What is the best food to eat pre and post surf?”
Rachel simplified the answer – quick and slow releasing carbohydrates pre surf and
protein post surf.

Pre & Post Surf Fuel
Examples are:-
Pre surf:
Wholegrain Fruit Toast.
Peanut Butter, Banana and Honey Sandwich on Wholegrain Bread.
Porridge with Fruit.
Fruit Oat Bars.
Post surf:
Chicken/Egg/Tuna sandwich.
Protein Shake.
The ingredients of the protein shake we chatted about is: (for 2 people)
2 heaped tbsp organic hemp protein.
2 medjool dates.
1 tbsp flax seeds.
1 tbsp chia seeds.
1 heaped tbsp peanut butter (100% peanuts).
1.5 tbsp cacao powder.
1 banana
500ml oat milk
Blend together. Add more milk to get desired consistency.
This shake is a great way to recover from a surf session.
Rachel says there is also a basic version of this shake that is milk, cacao powder, dates, banana & peanut butter.
Then the additional ingredients are a bonus.
Check it out and create your own Pre & Post Surf Fuel Plan
Recommended websites for food facts :
Towards the end of the show, Rachel explains the reason she hasn’t surfed much recently is
because she’s growing a small human in her belly. She is pregnant!!! Another little grom on
its way to add to the UK Surf Scene.